PRESS RELEASE: Eminent Group of Persons Statement on Pre-Election Violence-FULL STATEMENT


Dearly beloved citizens, men and women of goodwill resident in Ghana and elsewhere, we, the members of the Eminent Persons Group (EPG) send you our warmest greetings of peace and love. We are thankful to God for protection during this period of the COVID-19 pandemic, and for your dedication to this mission of peace and justice.

We assure all faith leaders, churches, mosques and the political parties of our prayers and our longing to always accompany Christians, Muslims and the people of Ghana in our search for sustainable peace, justice and democracy.

We applaud Ghana's tradition of democratic elections and we urge all to participate peacefully in the democratic process—before, during and after Election Day.

We acknowledge the Supreme Court’s unanimous decision that the Electoral Commission can go ahead to compile a new Voter’s Register. Much as this may not have satisfied some people, let us all embrace the decision and move together in one accord to register. Let us put Ghana first before all other concerns.

The Electoral Commission bears the primary responsibility to conduct free, fair, transparent and credible elections in Ghana. Therefore, we expect the Commission to engender confidence and trust among all players and continue to remain neutral, fair, honest and transparent in all its actions and decisions. The Commission should continue the process of engagement with all political parties and other stakeholders on the way forward for the elections.

The Eminent Group of Persons does not support a particular candidate or party. We support democracy. We will continue to work for peaceful, free and just elections in Ghana.

As Faith Leaders, we are called to bear witness to our faith and commitment to peace. We therefore condemn any action that would lead to the disruption of peace before, during after the 2020 elections.

We note with concern the current political atmosphere especially when we are preparing for elections later this year, and wish to call on all politicians and their supporters to be circumspect and decorous in their utterances and actions.

We, therefore, appeal to all politicians and their followers to exercise restraint and help calm tensions before, during and after the General elections. Maintaining diverse political views is healthy but this should not be a gateway for violence. Politics affects the day to day lives of our people and therefore the Faith community has a role in the promotion of a democratic culture.

We appeal:

• To the Electoral Commission to act expeditiously now that the voter registration has commenced and come up with a clear roadmap for the impending elections.

• To the law enforcement agencies/agents to carry out their duties without fear or favour.

• To political parties to shun violence and hate speech in their campaigns and to desist from using intimidation and inducement to gain votes for their parties and respect the rights of the people.

• To the media to be reasonably objective in their reportage and provide equal opportunity to all political parties as much as possible to access their service

• We call upon traditional leaders, as custodians of our culture to be non-partisan actors.

May the beautiful people of this country continue to love and respect one another and search other as equal as stated in Article 17 of the 1992 Constitution that provides equality and Freedom from discrimination for all citizens.

In Galatians 3:28, of the Holy Bible, it is written: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there in neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus". It is our prayer and hope that the courageous action of Ghanaians Will bear positive fruits for the promotion of democracy, peace and social cohesion.

When peace is lost for any reason, it is usually painful, expensive and slow to regain it. We pledge our support and prayers for a peaceful electoral process in 2020.

Signed by:

Rt. Rev. Prof. J.O.Y Mante

(Chairman, Eminent Persons Group of Religious Leaders)

Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana

For and on behalf of the Eminent Persons Group of Religious Leaders in Ghana



Date: 07/10/2020



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